Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Not all weight loss is created equal

Not all weight loss is created equally. Why is there a large emphasis placed on "weight loss" as a primary goal for health instead of following a body-fat loss program?  Body-fat loss is the more accurate result desired and top of mind goal to have versus weight loss alone. Otherwise, we should call it muscle, body fat, and water loss programs. Ultimately, there are educational benefits of renaming such programs as Body-fat loss/Muscle supporting (or gaining). When we lose weight, all 3 types of weight can be included in the (weight) loss.  Giving the scale and your weight less power would be so empowering to your results.

 When weighing 1-2 times monthly (outside of menstrual cycles for females) be sure to get a body fat measurement, and even further, measure your hips, waist, and chest. This will give you the full more accurate picture of your progress.  Following any program that only includes Scale weight is like asking for a top value appraisal on your home and having an appraiser drive right by without stopping to check what's on the inside.   I understand this can be hard to believe and practice.  Shoot, if you believe that you only need a scale, weigh daily, weekly, or several times daily, you're probably right. I'm not going to try to change you're mind.

 I did this personally and got super pumped when I'd see the scale go down even if I'd already experienced looser fitting clothes, a boost of energy, and compliments from others. If that number didn't reflect a weight loss, it was like being robbed of it all. Why? It would also put a stumper of all questions in mind-how could that be my weight after all I've done? Well, if you gained 5 lbs of muscle and lost 5 lbs of body-fat/water, you do the math.   It can feel counterintuitive, but it's very true and not widely known. Do a google search for weight loss. Holy Jimmony Christmas, don't do that. Ha!

  There are so many other ways to track results outside of scale weight like the following : achieving a lower body fat% means that you lost the right kind of weight/pounds, body fat or that you gained muscle mass which is supportive of a higher metabolism.  How about not being completely out of breathe when you do certain everyday things, no longer experiencing fatigue and exhaustion early in your day or uncontrollable sweating just from walking around, having an increase of energy, a faster workout time or personal record achieved, eating only 2 meals off of your plan a week, shopping and preparing 90% of your meals for an entire month.  All of these are positive results outside of that once a month check in that can help motivate and propel you further to your next month of results! Remember, Not all Muscle-Bodyfat-Water loss is created equally. I Love Life!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

4,000 calories daily is what I ate to lose body fat.

Say what man?!!! How do you know how many calories your body burns daily? I'm asking you reading this. Unless you're hooked up to a machine daily, you don't.  The number is always changing as your body composition changes daily.  I'm a big proponent of fully nourishing your body nutritiously when beginning a lifestyle transformation and as a standard practice.   I also believe in openly sharing the most valuable health information.

 Misunderstood Myth #1: Eat less calories, burn more is the way to go.  At 425 lbs, 4 years ago, I began working out 5-6 days a week, and Daily, I consumed 4,000 (yes 4 thousand) nutritious calories including Healthy Fats throughout 6-8 meals. Body fat was my primary physical goal so I took in 10 calories per poundI of body weight. I didn't count calories, 4250 would have been the exact number, I got within a range that averaged 4000 daily. I lost weight, my body responded, with more energy and physical results, body fat loss and muscle support/gain.

This isn't new information.  What's blocking many who are overweight, obese, or super-obese from knowing, trying, and successfully implementing this for themselves?  Fear of the less than accepted recommendation? Or that it contradicts a widely known belief (falsehood) that has been held for a lifetime? Or it's beyond radical thinking in being twice as many calories of the standard "based on a %daily values on a 2,000 calorie diet" on every nutrition label.

Or lastly, is it that we want healthy change in our lives like never before and we'll do anything to get it, which ultimately means, working out way too much to a number on a machine, consuming less calories, and blindly believing this method is productive.  And then affirming this by thinking, this toughing it, what the real success stories take. My low energy and high irritability are necessary to achieve the weight loss I've gotten time and time again. But this time, it will be different.

I know how this feels; desperation, frustration, motivational will power that is unstoppable for a period of time then tapped out. I've been there, and I've tried it all yo-yo'ing around 1000 lbs in 30 years of dieting.   That takes a weight of the world like toll on one mentally and physically. I'm writing this to educate, help, and stir loose any beliefs that are hurting our health, morale, and planet.  I'm an expert at getting the body to respond with results. Every single body is different and requires a separate successful progression that will be adjusted and advanced along the way.  Keep on rocking all, all the best energy to everyone. Live & love your life!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Pitfall of Seeking Self-Worth from External Sources

Basing self worth on external approval and acceptance is a very challenging path to be on even half the time. I've ridden the highs and lows on this value seeking roller coaster, and it's far removed from a place of peace, contentment, and serenity.  Meditation, Power Breathing, and Journalling were a major help and compliment to healthy lifestyle in nutrition and fitness for me as well as surrounding myself with positive, progressive, supportive, upper-personality people.  I Love Life!

  If you find yourself 'Stinking Thinking" grab a pen and paper, write it out, write a Fah-Q letter if you have to and don't send it. Don't try to control or ride it out, Do something constructive and progressive. A half hour high intensity workout to release endorphins, I know first hand, doing nothing will make it worse. You've got to Live & Love Your Life!